

好吧,其实NXWEB是C语言写的一个超快超轻量级的web服务器,就这么简单。作者:Yaroslav Stavnichiy,官网



    • 能提供最好的性能,详见压力测试数据
    • 能够处理数上万的并发请求
    • 占用极少内存
    • event驱动,多线程模块开发
    • 异常代码库
    • API简单明了
    • 良好的HTTP协议处理
    • 支持长连接
    • 支持SSL(基于GNUTLS)
    • 支持非阻塞传输文件(支持可配置的小文件内存缓存)
    • 可缓存gzip编码的内容
    • 可缓存图像缩略图水印(通过ImageMagick)
    • 模块化设计,方便开发人员进行模块开发
    • 可以作为守护进程运行


NXWEB 3.0 Benchmarks

NXWEB v3 is even faster than v2.

Results are in thousands requests per second. F = failed. NA = not supported. Measured by httpress on 4-core CPU (without AES-NI).

Test NXWEB G-WAN libevent microhttpd mongoose nginx
1. hello 100 ka 200 / 121 144 30 / 69 132 190 141
2. hello 100 51 / 42 41 15 / 32 13 34 41
3. hello 1000 ka 160 / 115 130 21 / 43 130 180 124
4. hello 1000 46 / 38 38 14 / 30 12 35 40
5. hello 10000 ka 115 / 84 103 23 / 40 116 119 108
5.1. real concurrency 9500-10000 9500-10000 10000 600-1000 1500-1700 4000-7000
5.2. memory footprint 28Mb 105Mb 4x15Mb
6. hello 10000 38 / 34 33 14 / 27 9 20 29
7. file 2.3K ka 133 NA NA NA 5 98
7.1. file 2.3K ka cached 145 120 NA NA NA NA
8. file 2.3K 42 NA NA NA 12 39
8.1. file 2.3K cached 43 33 NA NA NA NA
9. file 100K ka 36 15 NA NA 3.6 32
10. file 100K 23 12 NA NA 3.5 21
11. file 2.1M ka 3.2 0.7 NA NA 0.6 2.6
12. file 2.1M 2.3 0.6 NA NA 0.5 2.0

Test descriptions:

Minimal handler returning '<p>Hello, world!</p>'; 100 concurrent, keep-alive (httpress -c 100 -n 1000000 -t 4 -k)
Minimal handler returning '<p>Hello, world!</p>'; 100 concurrent, no keep-alive (httpress -c 100 -n 500000 -t 4)
Minimal handler returning '<p>Hello, world!</p>'; 1000 concurrent, keep-alive (httpress -c 1000 -n 1000000 -t 4 -k)
Minimal handler returning '<p>Hello, world!</p>'; 1000 concurrent, no keep-alive (httpress -c 1000 -n 500000 -t 4)
Minimal handler returning '<p>Hello, world!</p>'; 10000 concurrent, keep-alive (httpress -c 10000 -n 1000000 -t 4 -k)
httpress tool allows to calculate real concurrency, the number of actually active connections participating in test
10K concurrent connections take a lot of RAM. Here you can see how much
Minimal handler returning '<p>Hello, world!</p>'; 10000 concurrent, no keep-alive (httpress -c 10000 -n 500000 -t 4)
Disk file 2.3 KiB; 400 concurrent connections, keep-alive
Disk file 2.3 KiB; 400 concurrent connections, keep-alive, using memory cache
Disk file 2.3 KiB; 400 concurrent connections, no keep-alive
Disk file 2.3 KiB; 400 concurrent connections, no keep-alive, using memory cache
Disk file 100 KiB; 400 concurrent connections, keep-alive
Disk file 100 KiB; 400 concurrent connections, no keep-alive
Disk file 2.1 MiB; 400 concurrent connections, keep-alive
Disk file 2.1 MiB; 400 concurrent connections, no keep-alive


Server Version Req/s % of httpd static Notes
nxweb static file 3.2.0-dev 512,767 347.1 % “memcache”:false. (626,270 if true)
nginx static file 1.0.15 430,135 291.1 % stock CentOS 6.3 rpm
httpd static file 2.4.4, mpm_event 147,746 100.0 %
mod_python handler 3.5, Python 2.7.5 125,139 84.7 %
uWSGI 119,175 80.7 % -p 16 –threads 1
mod_python wsgi 3.5, Python 2.7.5 87,304 59.1 %
mod_wsgi 3.4 76,251 51.6 % embedded mode
nxweb wsgi 3.2.0-dev, Python 2.7.5 15,141 10.2 % posibly misconfigured?


1 Comment

  1. 神林


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