[摘要] ssh是OPS及DEV同学登录服务器进行维护,部署等的必备工具。我们总会遇到长时间连接ssh后会自动断开需要重连的情况,之前我们都是使用screen来保证ssh不断线,现在有了一个更加给力的工具--autossh,autossh 是在ssh的基础之上,增加了一个监控端口,防止ssh session 过期,并可以重新连接保证不掉线,这保证我们在ssh执行远程服务器上的运行时间长的脚本时不会出现意外失联的情况。
download autossh-1.4c.tgz
gunzip -c autossh-1.4c.tgz | tar xvf - cd autossh-1.4c ./configure make copy binary to where you wish it, or "make install" will install it under /usr/local by default. examine autossh.host for example wrapper script and options
# ./autossh usage: autossh [-V] [-M monitor_port[:echo_port]] [-f] [SSH_OPTIONS] -M specifies monitor port. May be overridden by environment variable AUTOSSH_PORT. 0 turns monitoring loop off. Alternatively, a port for an echo service on the remote machine may be specified. (Normally port 7.) -f run in background (autossh handles this, and does not pass it to ssh.) -V print autossh version and exit. Environment variables are: AUTOSSH_GATETIME - how long must an ssh session be established before we decide it really was established (in seconds). Default is 30 seconds; use of -f flag sets this to 0. AUTOSSH_LOGFILE - file to log to (default is to use the syslog facility) AUTOSSH_LOGLEVEL - level of log verbosity AUTOSSH_MAXLIFETIME - set the maximum time to live (seconds) AUTOSSH_MAXSTART - max times to restart (default is no limit) AUTOSSH_MESSAGE - message to append to echo string (max 64 bytes) AUTOSSH_PATH - path to ssh if not default AUTOSSH_PIDFILE - write pid to this file AUTOSSH_POLL - how often to check the connection (seconds) AUTOSSH_FIRST_POLL - time before first connection check (seconds) AUTOSSH_PORT - port to use for monitor connection AUTOSSH_DEBUG - turn logging to maximum verbosity and log to stderr
./autossh -M port remote-ssh-server-IP 如: ./autossh -M 12345 sudops@
autossh -M 12345 -N -D -v localhost:7070 sudops@ -p 22 会看到如下监听端口:其中7070为本地 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7466/ssh tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7466/ssh tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7465/autossh
能够看到autossh启动了一个echo service port 12345作为监控,另外还启动了一个port+1的端口12346作为接收端口,文档描述如下:
When no echo service port is specified, this port and the port immediately above it (port# + 1) should be something nothing else is using. autossh will send test data on the base monitoring port, and receive it back on the port above.
怎么样,有意思不,赶快体验下传说中的“高大上” autossh 吧。